It is our goal to enable men to reach their full potential to live a healthy lifestyle by optimizing their hormonal profile, encouraging proper diet and exercise, and providing a science-based approach to their lifestyle decisions. It would be our honor to help you reach your peak potential with Apex Men's Health.

MEET Dr. David Lunow
David R. Lunow, MD (Dr. Dave) was born in Minnesota and raised in Indonesia by his missionary parents. He completed college degrees in both Biblical Theology and Biology before entering St. George’s University School of Medicine in Grenada. He studied Family Practice medicine and Emergency medicine at John Peter Smith Hospital in Ft. Worth, Texas.
He is currently an ER director for a hospital system in central Texas. He started his men’s health practice in 2018 and has begun serving clients across the nation through his online clinic: Apex Men’s Health. He is board certified in Family Medicine and Emergency Medicine.
While not practicing medicine, Dr. Dave pursues his passions of Spartan Races, scuba diving, hiking and traveling around the world to compete in races and other challenges.

Hello, I am Dr. Dave Lunow. I am passionate about men’s health, and helping men achieve the best version of themselves. As an ER physician, I have come to recognize that most diseases and chronic conditions are at least exacerbated by lifestyle decisions… if not directly caused by them. This has led to active research on healthy lifestyle practices which include diet, exercise, and the role that vitamins, minerals, and--in some cases--testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can accomplish. These solutions can not only mitigate the development of chronic medical conditions but also dramatically improve one’s quality of life.
Interested? Contact Apex Men’s Health to see how we can help you take the first steps to being the man you were meant to be.